Gigs For Orchestra/Showband Musicians
Orchestra musicians perform a wide variety of music, generally commercial genres. Good sightreading is essential and an audition must be scheduled. A live audition can be scheduled if you can make it to our Miami office, but a phone or skype audition can be scheduled as well. To apply for a gig in an orchestra, please go to our Application page.
- Piano (sample chart)
- Bass (sample chart)
- Drums (sample chart)
- Guitar (sample chart)
- Sax/Woodwinds (sample chart)
- Trumpet (sample chart)
- Trombone (sample chart)
Video Promotional Packages
For consideration of any entertainment position on a cruise ship other than orchestra musicians, video promotional materials must be submitted. An effective promo is the difference between getting hired or not. Don't leave anything to chance.
Please consult our FREE GUIDE on how to create an effective musician's promo before compiling your package.